Common Ground Editorial: Edition Three

We’re getting this edition of Common Ground out a few days earlier with the Easter weekend right around the corner.

We’ve commissioned and curated a number of pieces in this edition with Easter especially in mind. Our lead article by John Fox is an encouragement to embrace the disciplines associated with the Easter season and to recall that “Covid or no Covid, Jesus Christ is Risen from the dead.” John Dennison, Juanita Madden, and Donald Goodhall have teamed up with an integrated offering of word, picture, and song for the three-day period of Holy Triduum, with pieces for you to engage with from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday. And Luke Fenwick offers a moving and beautifully written article on Paul’s letter to the Phillippians (drawing on the person and work of Ernst Lohmeyer).

In addition, you’ll find in this edition of Common Ground what are now becoming regular features: an alumna interview with Ashlea Davies, some thoughtful and practical reflections from “Auntie” Melody Cooper in Families in Lockdown, and a Staff Note by Michelle Young.

We’ve enjoyed bringing together this edition of Common Ground for Easter. We hope you—and those within your bubble—are nourished and enriched by the various offerings.

The Venn Team
