Holy Triduum Offering: A Four-Part Series

Venn’s alumni and staff community plays host to a number of artists, musicians, writers, and poets, each of whom, in a variety of ways, have nurtured their gifts. Two of our resident artists, poet and Senior Teaching Fellow John Dennison and artist and staff alumna Juanita Madden, have prepared four pieces for reflection as we enter into Easter.

For each day––Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday––we offer a piece of art, a poem, Scriptural readings, a Collect, and a question for you to reflect on during the day. We recommend you take your time, looking at each offering on the corresponding day. We also suggest you listen to the worship playlist prepared by one of our musicians on staff, Donald Goodhall.

The Collects and Readings are taken from A New Zealand Prayer Book, Lectionary Cycle Year A.