Venn Presents | Ascension, Pentecost, and the Church

Welcome to Venn Presents, a series of conversations exploring the depth and richness of the Christian tradition, between your host Sam Bloore and members of the Venn team and wider Venn community.

Each short series will expand on some of the themes that have emerged from Venn’s monthly publication Common Ground, events, books, and programmes. The topics will be wide-ranging: from exploring Christian faith and doctrine, to engagement with wider culture, including family, business, the arts, education, music, and sport.

In our first three-part series, Sam talks with Venn’s CEO, the Revd Dr Nathan McLellan, about the doctrine of Ascension, Pentecost, and the Church. Earlier this year, Nathan wrote a piece for Common Ground exploring the “forgotten doctrine” of the ascension and what it means to call Christ our victorious king and high priest. In this first episode, Sam and Nathan talk more about the ascension.

Be sure to subscribe to Venn Presents on Apple Podcasts or follow the show on Spotify to get the second episode on Pentecost next Saturday.

Our hope is these conversations will, in some small way, help us all to re-imagine what the gospel means for our callings and communities today.


The Venn Team