Common Ground Editorial: Edition Four

Welcome to our fourth edition of Common Ground. These past few weeks have made many of us aware of our habits, reactions, and daily practices. In view of this, we’ve curated this week’s edition around the call to pay attention: to ourselves, to the world around us, and to what God might be doing in our midst.

Our lead article, written by Nathan McLellan, helps frame this edition with a reflection on Ecclesiastes 3 and an invitation to pay attention to what God might be saying to each one of us. In this article, Nathan notes Katrina Belcher’s piece on the practice of the Daily Examen, and how it can cultivate the discipline of paying attention. Melody Cooper has created a beautiful photo essay that encourages us to “look at the wildflowers”, as instructed in Matthew 6, and trust that God will provide in every season. And Olivia Burne has written this week’s Staff Note, reflecting on the ways Easter and Christ’s resurrection continue to bring new life.

This edition also includes our regular column Families in Lockdown, this week written by Rachel Kitchens who explores the liturgy of the ordinary, and our Alumni Interview, featuring Vocational Programme Wellington alumni Justin and Vicki Thirkell who share some of the difficulties and opportunities they face in Alert Level 4.

We hope you find this week’s edition rich and nourishing as we enter our fourth week of Alert Level 4.

The Venn team