Common Ground

Saskia Rook is an alumna of the Residential Internship (2005/06) and Venn Foundation's designer from 2013-2019. She currently works as a graphic designer in Edinburgh,...

Joshua is an alumnus of the Residential Internship (2009) and Vocational Programme (Auckland 2018) and currently works as a radio producer at CBA. He is...

Welcome to this edition of Common Ground. Today marks a change in its frequency. With the move to Alert Level 3, Common Ground will now...

Earlier this week, I was asked to contribute an audio piece for this edition of Common Ground. The brief I received mentioned that John Dennison...

Min-Jee completed the Residential Fellowship in 2018. She works as a Paediatric Registrar at Middlemore Hospital and lives in Newmarket with her husband Cameron. Here,...