Common Ground

Welcome to the long weekend! As we gear up for a national holiday and the inevitable Queen’s Birthday sales, the Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand...

“I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days...

Danielle is an alumna of the Residential Internship (2013/14) and currently works as a researcher at Maxim Institute. She lives in a flat in Onehunga,...

Melody Cooper, John Dennison, and Donald Goodhall have collaborated to produce a three-part Pentecost offering. Here, John has written and recorded a poem on Pentecost....

We’re delighted to bring you this edition of Common Ground—at our new fortnightly frequency—on the theme of friendship. Our lead article is by Luke Fenwick. Luke...

Christoph von Schönborn is a Cardinal in the Catholic Church and the Archbishop of Vienna. His theological and pastoral work features friendship as a key...

I. Thomas rung Victor after a lengthy absence. He wanted to invite Victor and his wife, Eva, to dinner. Victor and Eva had given Thomas board...