Staff Reflections

In the wake of Easter, Sam Bloore has been reflecting on the life of Thomas and his desire for proof of Christ's resurrection. In this...

I. Since Alert Level 4 began, I’ve been drawn to Ecclesiastes 3:1-8: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time...

We have now entered Easter, that beautiful season of grace and joy in the church calendar. We have seen Jesus triumph, we have been rescued...

Well friends! We’ve made it to week four of lockdown. Like many of you, I have been juggling children and parenting, homeschooling, work responsibilities, and home...

This photo essay is a response to the current crisis and the wonder spoken to in Matthew 6. In each photo, you’ll find a flower...

For two of Jesus's disciples, walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus in the days after Jesus's crucifixion, these were uncertain and ambiguous times. How were they...

I Ernst Lohmeyer had worked for months toward a single goal. By turns Lohmeyer hurdled, skirted, and flirted with the range of obstacles before him, and...