Common Ground

We are entering the season of Pentecost, a season in which the church recalls and celebrates the pouring out of the Holy Spirit following Jesus’s...

Welcome to the seventh programme on Lockdown Radio. Like many of you, we've been shifting our gaze to life beyond lockdown. In the coming weeks,...

We’re delighted to bring you this edition of Common Ground—at our new fortnightly frequency—on the theme of friendship. Our lead article is by Luke Fenwick. Luke...

Christoph von Schönborn is a Cardinal in the Catholic Church and the Archbishop of Vienna. His theological and pastoral work features friendship as a key...

I. Thomas rung Victor after a lengthy absence. He wanted to invite Victor and his wife, Eva, to dinner. Victor and Eva had given Thomas board...

Saskia Rook is an alumna of the Residential Internship (2005/06) and Venn Foundation's designer from 2013-2019. She currently works as a graphic designer in Edinburgh,...

Joshua is an alumnus of the Residential Internship (2009) and Vocational Programme (Auckland 2018) and currently works as a radio producer at CBA. He is...